
Ryan A. Bridges shares his passion for Soccer.


When in 1976 I was sent to boarding school in England, I first experinced playing Soccer on standard field. I joined the local soccer club Liverpool, and became a mid-field Player of our College at Goring Hall School in Souther England, and had to slow down due to massive knee injury.


Today its estimated that over "One" Billion people around the World tune in to watch a World Cup Soccer match Live on their TVs.


Soccer is not just for rich kids and sissies! In fact, Soccer is a very demanding endurance sport and, when played right, requires a great deal of coordination and individual performance, demands more BRAIN activity than our Body, IMAGINE you are one of the figuers or pawns in a Chess Game.


My Team

I support all of Soccer clubs in the U.S., especially U.S. National TEAM have always made me proud. I have been a member of LIVERPOOL CLUB since I was 9 years Old.


Of course the local Laguna Niguel soccer club may not have a lot of members, but it's certainly got heart! The team spirit in this club is great, and you need that in a soccer team if you want to get ahead. You never know may be these Children who are today practicing at our local YMCA Soccer field, might just take Laguna Niguel Soccer club to National level.

Photos: playing against the league leaders, opreventing a goal, celebrations after the match


The club has members of all ages and skill levels, and everyone brings their own set of skills to the team. Strength is my endurance.


Players are getting better by working out on their tactics, their positioning on the field and so on, coach says: everyone has to know how to set up the team so that everyone works in harmony to the best of their abilities.

Upcoming Events

Don't miss Laguna Niguel upcoming open-house tournament! Anyone is invited to sign up, teams are assigned randomly and the winner gets a one-year gym membership for free. This is a fun family event open to all ages, so bring the kids and get to know the joys of soccer!

Go to YMCA /Laguna Niguel to see list of upcoming games:

Game Results

Check out the live ESPN live feed on the internet for the latest results